Name the one thing that you do every time you go out wheeling and is a big pain in the ass, especially in the desert heat. Yup, airing down and back up again. This process can be slow and a tedious every time, but my good friend Pat Hickman at Rock Smasher Engineering has come up with an awesome system that is sure to revolutionize this task.
The 2Way Air System by Rock Smasher Engineering is an easy hassle free way to air up and air down. One single manifold that hooks up to all four tires creates a single air source and even tire pressure. Check out some of the videos to see how this works. Also visit and like Rock Smasher Engineering on Facebook.
I was super lucky to get one of these systems installed on my JKU and it is amazing. Again thanks Pat and Rock Smasher Engineering!!!
Here is a picture of me letting the 2Way Air system do all the work (see people in background on their knees “ouch”).

We mounted the manifold in the engine compartment, I’m using my Stauns (this one is set to 14lbs) to do the stopping point. You could use an air gauge if you don’t have Stauns.

Here are some pictures I took during install.