We did an overnight camping trip over the Memorial Day Weekend down to Lake Mohave. If you are not familiar Lake Mohave is actually just a fat section of the colorado river caused by the Davis Dam down in Laughlin, NV and is part of the Lake Mead recreational area (Fed Park). There is a series of coves that run down the lake accessible via dirt road starting with 6 mile cove and ending with Sandy Cove. We made a bee-line down to Sandy cove first but it was occupied already (small cove to begin with), so we back tracked up to Nellis Cove, and it was packed (like 4-6 groups already set up). So we did what a good group of Jeepers would and made our own trail to a small wash just over from Nellis cove and named it Hidden Cove (un-official name). This section of beach was virtually untouched, mainly because only a jeep could get back to it! We were joined overnight by some great friends Paul and Didi, also Elton and Terri came up for the day.

We also brought our dogs Tucker and Zoe who played in the water all day… or just lounged by the water’s edge.

We brought a good amount of wood for a fire and had a large selection of starter wood all over the shore.

And as the sun settled down for the night of a million stars we cranked up the camp fire for the night.

We also did some fishing, but had zero luck in hitting anything, oh-well we still had fun cast all afternoon and late into the night.

We are looking forward to our next trip down to our Hidden Cove for another over nighter, hopefully before it gets to hot and have to retreat to higher elevations.